How to become more like light yagami

The following are 10 principles you can apply yourself 

Number 1. What serves my self interest

Light is the type of person to constantly ask himself this question how does this move advance my interest how can this action help me get what i want when light wants to get something done. He brainstorms ideas on how to achieve it. He asks himself out of all these ways which one of them will help me accomplish my goal in the most efficient way make my other goals a lot easier or irrelevant. Like yagami thinks with pen and paper if something happens around him he asks himself is this event congruent with my agenda. If that person gets that thing learns that information moves to that position is he more likely to oppose or help me in my own position. He doesn't only answer this once but repeatedly until his thoughts are crystallized in his future action is clear always consider yourself interest first in every situation then make the decision number.

 Number 2. Read Books About Strategy Emotional intelligence and Deception.

To think strategically you don't need to reinvent the wheel you can borrow from previous strategistsbooks like the 48 laws of power, The art of war, The art of seduction. and so much more. Don't abuse reading to the point to ignore your own instincts or become intellectually lazy and incapable of forming your own ideas. When light is not orchestrating his plans he is actually reading a book his library at home is huge and filled with books about law criminology and all sorts of concepts to broaden your perspective a good idea is to read the encyclopedia of britannica. to think like light your brain must consume the same material as light.

 Number 3. First Thing First

Light always takes care of the most important things first and doesn't get distracted by the urgent. Keeping your goals and relationships prioritized is a great way of achieving more and staying on top of things. Even after getting the death note light worked tirelessly to keep his academics on top. If he's slacked off his parents would worry and would interfere more in more in his life. Predictability is the key to keeping a low profile.

Number 4. Review Your Previous Action

Having a journal where you write your own ideas and contemplate on your previous actions analyzing your moves emotions transgressions goals is essential. We see light using this method when he's trying to figure out if he left any clues or incriminating evidence that l can use against him. Nothing is more important than this habit right here it's the key to thinking like light.

Number 5. Learn chess To Improve Your Focus And Perspective 

Your brain grows tired if you think even for a little. Chess helps you gain that mental stamina so your brain is always on thinking deeper and harder while it's not mentioned in anime i'm sure light plays some strategy games to stay sharp regardless if it's just go age of empires or democracy.  Just pick a game of strategy to learn how to attack defend what to strike, When to be patient, When to make a quiet move, When to strike with a combination. I recommend you pick the realistic game. Even if you don't always win in those games you will learn the proper perspective and how to think like a strategist.

 Number 6. Don't Be One-Dimensional 

Being intelligent is not only about logical reasoning it includes being adaptable to the situation having an understanding of how people think and behave as well as getting a good on common sense ignoring your other qualities and becoming a one-eyed little monster would do you no good. Specialization is for insects you are a human being. Light appears perfect in the anime because of this principle. Unlike L it's more handy and well-rounded more emotionally intelligent. If you see yourself or others see you as a nerd don't make it a limiting label. People grow snap out of it you are so much more.

 Number 7. Beware The Halo Effect  

We all know that being good looking makes things easier for you. It creates a halo effect that enhances all your other qualities suddenly people will think you are more charismatic smarter and warmer than you actually are. You don't have to have superior jeans but merely take care of yourself and looks as in be well groomed. Take care of your hygiene taking multiple showers wearing clothes that fit you simple things be presentable. 

Number 8. Learn About acting 

Light is an award-winning actor. He is quite convincing for multiple reasons. First reason is because he understands the normal reaction he needs to display in every situation. When his father was sick he acted worried. When L died he acted angry. Ask yourself how do normal person feel and think in this situation. Second reason is light doesn't imitate others. He knows that acting is basically summoning your own emotions instead of faking emotions.  So how to do this well if you want to portray that you are sad go back to a moment in your life when you have felt truly sad. Maybe you lost your dog stay in that feeling for a bit now you can use it.  I recommend that you have a key memory for each of the most common emotions. One for Anger, Sadness, Disgust, Happiness, Fear and Surprise.

 Number 9. To Win You Must Attack 

Staying on the defensive in your comfort zone waiting for others to make the first move more often can put you in great disadvantage. To the person who makes the first attack can create the narrative of the story and is more likely to be believed. In chess the person who plays white who moves first has the advantage. Learn to take initiative ask for more responsibility Napoleon bonaparte is known for trading space for time. Light understands this and that's why he's not afraid to make the first move.

 Number 10. Plan Against Problems In Advance 

Light takes the time to avoid problems. No one is always in the top of their game at their sharpest at their most emotionally stable. Humans are complacent. He knows that he has to prepare for the worst outcomes when his mind is most sane.


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